A job

Hello everyone,

I think if I had to choose a job that wasn't related to my career, it would be something related to books.
I'd like to work in a bookstore because I love to read, it's one of my favorite hobbies, I think you can find many stories in each book.
I like the job because I would be surrounded by books and could give people my opinion about them.
I think the most important thing to do this job is to have to win and know the books, to be able to help people.
I think it would be good because it would connect with something I like and because maybe I could read something 👀
My inspiration is my cousin, since she works on this and always talks to me about books. Since I was a little girl, I would bring me books that she found to be good, and then I would ask myself what they had looked like.

See you next time.


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