Hello everyone, I do not have any hobbies, but in my free time I usually listen to music, watch series and read a book. For example, right now I’m watching a series by Netflix. It’s called “El reemplazante” and it’s Chilean. I try to see a chapter a day, so it does not end so quickly and because I have homework for the university. As for the book, I’m not reading any, since the university has me very busy, but I have the urge to read “El simbolo perdido” of Dan Brown. I do these activities in my room, after studying for university and organizing my week. I do not need an equipment, since I only need my eyes and ears. I hope I can do all these activities over the weekend, with some popcorn and a Coca Cola. It would be very exciting and a spectacular day. Love for all, Kisses 😘. Andrea.
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