A Holiday

Hello everybody

Today I'm going to tell you about my best vacation. The truth is that I haven't had many vacations, since in the summer my parents work and so do I. So if we go on vacation it was on Saturdays and Sundays.

In one of these outings we went to "Las Cruces", a place that is in the region of Valparaiso. We went here, since my father's brother has a house there and we are allowed to stay there for those days.
I made this trip with my father, my mother and my sister.
I remember that this vacation was the year 2012 or so I think, I'm not so sure and lasted two days.

The first day we did more activities than the second. We went for a walk on the beach, a boat rides across the sea and then a tour of the town. In the evening we went back to my uncle's house and had a barbecue and shared a moment.

I enjoyed this trip very much, since I had few with my whole family, since sometimes we went out and my father could not go for work. So this is considered one of my most beautiful memories.
Thank you, see you next week.

Resultado de imagen para las cruces chile


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