A Birthday

Hello everybody,
Today I’m going to talk about my 18rd birthday. This is the birthday I remember the most because I celebrated too much. I left the day with the greetings of my family and with a good breakfast, where we could all share before doing our daily activities.
Throughout the day I had many greetings from people important to me, so it was a very nice and entertaining day. When I got home, my family and friend had a surprise prepared. It was very exciting because I had never had one.
I remember that it was just a Friday, so after celebrating we went with some friends to a party organized by my best friends (Francisca and Dominique). We were able to share, celebrate, dance and drink. It's the best birthday I've ever had.
Maybe when I was little I had a very memorable birthday, but I don't remember much. At that time it was organized by my parents and they invited all my classmates. What I do remember is that when we closed the street so that we could play quietly and without harming each other, while our parents talked.
I hope that in the coming years there will be more good celebrations, where I can share with my most important people. Although I would also like to celebrate some birthdays traveling, to make it more memorable.
Resultado de imagen para Playa Anakena
Goodbye, I'll leave you a picture in the place I'd like to celebrate some birthday.


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