TV programme

Hello everyone,

Today I'm going to tell you about a program I used to watch when I was little, the truth is that I had two favorite programs; first I watched Los Teletubbies and then when I was a little bigger I watched Los Power Rangers.

For me, the most memorable were the Power Rangers, so I'll talk about that. The series revolves around a team of young people recruited and trained by a mentor to become the Power Rangers, capable of using special powers and piloting huge assault machines, called Zords, to overcome periodic antagonists.

The program watched it from 8:30 to 10:00 am, before going to school. Although in the afternoon I also saw it, when I arrived from school at 8:30 pm.
I liked it because it was fun and also because it was the only one on national television. But I love them, especially the character that was yellow.

Resultado de imagen para power ranger yellow


  1. I saw that two programmes too! When I was a child these programmes were transmitted one after the other


  2. Hi Andrea! I always thought I was the pink power ranger!

  3. Hi Andrea

    Your mom didn't give you permission to see Power Rangers when you were child. I will accuse you!

  4. The power ranger it's a Classic of the Tv show!


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