
Hello, everybody,

Today I'm going to tell you about some friends I'm very fond of. The people I am going to talk about are Francisca and Dominique. I met them in 2010, when I changed schools. At that time, I was in seventh grade and I couldn't stay in my old school anymore. So, my parents moved me to my sister's school.

At first, I didn't join them, since they were old students who already had other friends, but with the passage of time and when we got to know each other we became very good friends. To this day we are still friends and whenever we can we get together for lunch or to spend some time together.
I like to share with them because they are like my sisters.

This year we celebrated nine years of friendship and I feel very fortunate that they are in my life. I hope that over the years we do not lose contact and that we continue to support each other as we do now.

Goodbye see you next week :) with another story of my life.


  1. Hi Andrea, What a beautiful story, something similar happened with my best friend :)

  2. Hi, nice story. I hope that you not to lost contact with her. Regards

  3. Nice post! What things do you do together?


  4. It's a beautiful story, nine years of friendship are very important!


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